Friday, June 20, 2008

1,000 Origami Cranes

In origami folklore if you fold 1000 peace cranes a wish comes true...

That's a quotation from Angela Loveridge, an artist participating in this year's Glastonbury Festival to fold 1,000 paper cranes, as part of a growing movement of origami artists who fold 1,000 peace cranes before sending them to locations around the globe, from hospitals to war zones.

According to Angela Loveridge:

A little girl in Hiroshima was folding a thousand peace cranes to basically stay alive, but she sadly died at around 760. Ever since then people have been sending them to places like Hiroshima or for other causes. I folded 1000 peace cranes with a local primary school recently in response to problems they were having in Thailand. People fold for lots of different reasons.

You can read more here, in the North Wales Chronicle.

To me this seems a compelling movement, the folding of peace cranes in such numbers and the arrival of them in flights, as a sudden gift, on some place that has become dark and without hope. Certainly it is better than most uses to which we put the world's supply of paper, and it is a testament to the lasting and reviving strength of folk legend.

Angela Loveridge is calling for volunteers to send her folded cranes in Glastonbury, as she is doubtful of reaching her 1,000 alone. Origami is a delicate and painstaking art.

(The origami cranes pictured above are the work of the remarkable artist Giles Edsall.)

1 comment:

Seth D said...

I enjjoyed reading your post